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Original Means


10000 Book Spines

1/F entrance of Ping Shan Tin Shui Wai Public Library

339 cm (H) x 1005 cm ( L ) x 7.5 cm ( W)


Libraries are repositories that house books, a movable and constantly restocked feast of words, and an exhibition space showcasing the culture of printing. But in all this variety, there is one part of a book that receives little attention: the design of the binding. After collecting old books from the community, the artist removes the front and back covers to be left with thousands of naked spines with binding threads, which she trims and compiles into a work of public art. Each book binding has a unique texture, size and colour, which combine to create a distinct visual effect that also echoes the simplicity and clarity of the library’s architectural design. Her work allows visitors to appreciate the hidden beauty of book bindings before they enter the library.

Collection of the Art Promotion Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department

binding. After collecting old books from the community, the artist removes the front and back covers to be left with thousands of naked spines with binding threads, which she trims and compiles into a work of public art. Each book binding has a unique texture, size and colour, which combine to create a distinct visual effect that also echoes the simplicity and clarity of the library’s architectural design. Her work allows visitors to appreciate the hidden beauty of book bindings before they enter the library.


This is a site-specific public art work. Since the work is located at the main entrance of the public library, there are thousands of visitors passing by and look at it every day. The work is made in accordance with the concept of the architect. Using the spine of a book to show the other side of book binding design. It is also a work of community art. The books are acquired from the communities, Poly U library and HKBU library. Besides making good use of recycled materials, this work has strengthen the relationship between readers and institutions, which has also emphasised the interaction between them and the spatial management of the public library. Creativity in both the inspiration and the physical design of a book is hence considered. There are two seminars on the process of making the work and public art.


Commission as part of Ping Shan Library Permanent Public Art Scheme. 1 May 2017

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