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Two Sites


2007 Site Specific Installation in Zhangjiang Road at Zhangjiang High Tech Park, Shanghai, China 
7m height

“On-Site Zhagjiang” is a way of looking at Zhangjiang as a future urban model for high-tech innovation and production worldwide (looking out); “Zhangjiang On-Site” rather takes Zhangjiang as a Chinese urban area and observes the cultural situation faced by these areas of high-tech development (looking in).

The tension between these two urban modalities is the text for my creative concept.I sat up an installation in the empty space around the wall opposite the Zhangjiang Road, a space of urban construction and design, a temporary home of rural laborers—“enlarged DELETE key”.

It aims to express a tension between this unchanging fixture of the computer keyboard and humanity’s constant desire for innovation. It leads to a consideration of the dialectical relationships between “disappearance and appearance; destruction and construction” in this urban present progressive tense. 

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